What do you get?

Q: If you have a sphere and you shake it, what do you get?
A: Shakespeare.

Eggcellent Laughs Classic Comeback

Q&A Jokes That Will Leave You Asking for More

Q&A jokes are simple, back-and-forth style jokes where a question is asked and then answered with a funny or unexpected twist. They’re straightforward and often rely on puns or wordplay. For example, a joke might ask, “What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?” The answer is, “Frostbite!” Another example could be, “Why don’t we ever tell secrets on a farm?” with the punchline being, “Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.” These jokes are designed to be quick and amusing, perfect for sharing a laugh with friends or family, and they work well because the punchline often comes as a surprise, making them fun and engaging for listeners of all ages.

Here are some of the best Q&A jokes:

Top Jokes