Staff meeting

Moses and his flock arrive at the sea, with the Egyptians in hot pursuit.

Moses calls a staff meeting.

“Well, how are we going to get across the sea?” asked Moses. “We need a fast solution. The Egyptians are close behind us.”

“Normally, I’d recommend that we build a pontoon bridge to carry us across,” said the General Of The Armies, “but there’s not enough time – the Egyptians are too close.”

“Normally, I’d recommend that we build barges to carry us across,” said the Admiral Of The Navy, “but time is too short.”

“Does anyone have a solution?” asked Moses.

Just then, his Public Relations man raised his hand.

“You!” said Moses, “You have a solution?”

“No,” said the PR man, “but I can promise you this: If you can find a way out of this one, I can get you two or three full pages in the Old Testament…”

Steak Out Construction Chuckles

Is Your Boss a Joke? Laugh About It (Silently) with These Work-Safe Jokes!

Work jokes are humorous takes on the daily grind, office culture, and the quirky situations that can arise in any job. For example, “Why did the employee get locked out of the office? Because he couldn’t handle the key performance indicators!” This joke plays on the business term “key performance indicators” (KPIs), which are used to measure success, humorously suggesting they could somehow be involved in physically accessing the office. It’s a light-hearted way to poke fun at the complexities and jargon of the workplace, offering a moment of laughter amidst the challenges of work life. Work jokes help to lighten the mood and bring a bit of fun to the often-serious business environment.

Here are some Work jokes that some people find funny:

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