Haunted Printer

In an always-serious office, the old printer was the bane of everyone’s existence. One day, it mysteriously started printing on its own: “Help, I’m stuck in the printer!” sheet after sheet. Panic ensued until the IT guy discovered a voice recorder inside. The prankster? The office’s shyest employee, who finally spoke up: “Gotcha! Now, can we get a new printer?” The office burst into laughter, and the legend of the “haunted” printer lived on. 🖨️😂👻

Octo-Comedy Agenda

Laughs for Meetings, Deadlines, and Everything In Between!

Office jokes are funny lines or stories about work life, colleagues, and the situations that happen in an office setting. For example, a joke might ask, “Why did the computer go to therapy?” The answer is, “Because it had too many unresolved issues!” Another joke could be, “What do you call an office worker who loves to work in the cold?” with the punchline being, “A chill administrator.” These jokes are meant to be light-hearted and fun, using simple ideas about office life and the quirky moments that can occur between coworkers or with office equipment. They’re great for sharing a laugh during breaks, in emails, or at meetings to lighten the mood and enjoy the humor in everyday work situations.

Here are some of the best Office jokes:

Top Jokes